Half-Yearly Meeting 20-21/10 2022


This meeting is devoted to share updates between consortium members. This meeting is hosted by UPVD and will be located at the Salle Orange, 1er étage, BU Lettre, UPVD.


David Defour, Pablo de Oliveira, Jérôme Gurhem, Franck Vedrine, Bruno Lathuilière, El-Mehdi El Arar, Florian Lemaitre, Malak Elflitty, Wilfried Kirschenmann, Yves Lhuillier, John Osario, Theo Mary (Remote), Fabienne Jézéquel (Remote), Stef Graillat (Remote), Eric Petit (Remote)

20/10/2022 Program:

Time Topic
12h00-14h00 LUNCH
14h00–14h15 Presentation of the InterFLOP Project, David DEFOUR (UPVD)
14h15–14h45 PENE: Pintool Enabled Numerical Exploration, Malak ELFLITTY (Aneo) Slides
14h45–15h15 Evaluating Reduced Numerical Datatypes to train Deep Neural Networks using PIN, John OSARIO (BSC) Slides
15h15–16h15 PinPlay: Reproducible Execution Analysis with Intel Software Development Emulator, Harish PATIL (Intel)
16h15–17h00 Discussion & Coffe
19h30 Dinner at Ben Aqui, 33 Av. Maréchal Leclerc, 66000 Perpignan

21/10/2022 Program:

Time Topic
09h00–09h30 The Positive Effects of Stochastic Rounding in Numerical Algorithms, El-Mehdi EL ARAR (UVSQ) Slides
09h30–10h00 VERROU : arrondis stochastiques déterministes, Bruno LATHUILIERE (EDF) Slides
10h00–10h30 COFFEE BREAK
10h30–11h00 Amplification des problèmes de reproductibilité numérique par augmentation de l’entropie d’ordonnancement dans les codes CUDA/OpenMP, David DEFOUR (UPVD) Slides
11h00–11h30 Analyse chromatique de la sensibilité numérique dans les codes scientifiques, Franck VEDRINE (CEA) Slides
11h30–12h00 Closing Session, David DEFOUR (UPVD)
12h15–14h00 LUNCH